Tag Archives: President Obama

Remember When?

Remember when politics was just frustrating but not completely insane? Remember when it was possible to have hope and belief? Remember when there was still an iota of intelligence in politics? No? I don’t blame you, but maybe this video will remind you:

It came across my YouTube feed and brought tears to my eyes. A highly intelligent, well educated, youthful, self-deprecating, sometimes humorous, balanced leader of and for the free world. A leader for everyone.

This year it’s critical to go vote. Vote for sanity and intelligence. Vote for decency and honesty. Vote against bigotry, hate, exclusion, and fear.

Stay sane, my friends! Go forth and spread beauty and light.

Friday Notes (Jun 23, 2023)

There is an old saying about how one’s eyes are sometimes bigger than one’s stomach — something I have to watch out for when visiting a buffet. I think, too, that my imagination sometimes is bigger than my will.

So many thoughts that seem like good ideas but don’t ever go anywhere substantial. Or, perhaps more honestly, I lack the will to put in the effort required. Since I retired, I’ve gotten pretty lazy and self-indulgent.

These Friday Notes posts have been very helpful in reducing my collection of notes, so here we go again with a bunch of random little thoughts.

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Great Expectations

debate2016-1This post’s well-known title could apply to my Minnesota Twins (who lost their 100th game yesterday), but even someone who’s been a close observer only six years knows better than to have great expectations of the team these days.

It might also apply to the pending NASA news conference about Europa. Many of us are hoping for something along the lines of a mysterious monolith and staying away, but rumor has it that the Hubble telescope spotted the long-absent water geysers. (They were observed years ago, but never since.) ((Update: The rumors were correct!))

But, while those are expectations, considering what’s taking over about a dozen TV networks tonight — what’s been long awaited by so many — the post’s title absolutely refers to the first Presidential debate.

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Birds and Bernie

Birdie Sanders 1

Bernie Sanders receives an endorsement from Finches!

So… The week began with a bomb in Brussels and a baseball game in Cuba. On one side of the Earth, images of terror and oppression; on the other, images of joy and freedom. It forms a literal global Yin-Yang reflecting the best and worst of human goals and actions.

From such high stakes and matters of import, the week quickly descended into the sewer, as the National Embarrassment led the Republican Party to new lows this election cycle.

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Obama and Baseball


The First Family planting seeds of democracy.

To those who would disparage President Obama’s comportment (or even just presence) at the historic baseball game in Cuba yesterday, might I suggest there is, perhaps, no greater expression of American freedom, liberty, and values, than the simple joy of a baseball game?

What better way to flip the bird to those who would destroy our way of life than to take a moment to say: Nope, not afraid of you, not gonna let you own this — or any — day!

At first I thought maybe there was a point to be made regarding his comportment. Was the wave necessary? How dare he enjoy himself so much!

But what better response to horror and tragedy is there but joy and love?

And, oh, by the way: Not so much just a “baseball game” as planting the seeds of freedom and democracy with our neighbors. What you might call the opposite of terrorism, so nah-nah-nah-nah-nah.

After all, baseball is one of those things you can be “as American as!”

Bombs and Baseball

Pres Obama and Mrs Robinson

Coo coo ca choo!

So. It’s been a day. A bombing in Brussels, Belgium, and an historic baseball game in Habana, Cuba. President Obama was at the latter, and so was Mrs. Robinson (the one the song isn’t about). Set against the background of “Super Tuesday #4: The Continuing Horror” it all weaves an interesting tapestry of stark contrasts and lurid splashes of color.

Baseball and bombs. Diplomacy and terrorism. Policy and politics. It’s terrible and fascinating how the world offers so much hope and so much despair — all in a day. The best there is in people set against the worst there is in people.

So, it’s been a day.

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BB #49: Political Bubbles

BrainFireI can’t believe, with so much Trump-water over the damn dam, that people still support this guy. Not since Creationism has there been such a clear and present example of how disconnected from reality is the thinking of many people. Never in my lifetime have I seen such a frightening example of all I disdain in the human race.

This is thoughtlessness and irrationality, bigotry and brutality, nationalism and populism. It’s childish, selfish, ignorant, and stupid! It boggles my mind.

It’s gotten to the point of basically stunning me into insensibility.

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POTUS SOTUSMy impulse was to here write, “It’s been an interesting week,” but in reality it’s just been a week much like those that came before it. The social weather forecast: continuing craziness with scattered outbursts of outright insanity.

President Obama gave his final State of The Union (SOTU) speech on Tuesday, and so I find myself writing about how proud I was of my president for the second time in as many weeks (and, very possibly, the only two times since he was elected).

Watching that speech, I kept thinking, “Where has this guy been for the last seven years?”

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Guns Я Us

President ObamaI have a great deal of respect for President Obama’s intelligence, character, and commitment, yet I’m not thrilled by his leadership or public speaking abilities (and I consider the latter an important part of the former). That said, he thoroughly impressed me at last night’s Guns in America town hall event on CNN!

Now already, in Philadelphia, we have news-worthy gun fire. In this case, despite numerous rounds fired, everyone (that is to say, both guys) lived. (Which, ironically, makes it kind of like TV.) To raise the public fervor ante, the shooter did it in the name of the Islamic State.

What was that curse about interesting times?

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Global Climate Change

Today I’m deep in some POV-Ray project work and waiting to see how the Los Angeles Dodgers do tonight at the St. Louis Cardinals.  The Dodgers have a tough boat to row; I think the Cards will have to stumble, and the Dodgers will have to be excellent. For two games.  I’d like to see it, but dot, dot, dot. The Detroit Tigers are in similar straits with the Boston Red Sox. It’s looking like the World Series will be red against red.

But due to something that came up in a conversation from yesterday’s article, I’m interrupting my previously scheduled day to bring you this special announcement:

I’m only going to say this once: Global climate change is real.

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